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4. Post-16 Education


The General Certificate of Education Advanced Level: qualifications taken in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, typically over two years at a Sixth Form or College. A-level students take 3-4 A-levels; one A-level is one subject.

Advanced Apprenticeship

Level 3 apprenticeship, equivalent to two A-Levels. This involves working full-time with an employer alongside learning opportunities from a training provider or college.


Business and Technology Education Council, much more commonly known as BTECs, are practical-based, vocational qualification studied at a college or school.


See Sixth Form.


A new form of vocational qualification offering an alternative to A levels or apprenticeships. Equivalent to three A Levels, T levels vary from apprenticeships through their industry experience and specific forms of assessment. Find more information on the government website.

Further information on post-16 education.